Wednesday, October 26, 2005

I've been keeping tabs on the world series. I was born in Texas and that's about as close as I get to any team. We lived in Chicago right before I was born. I suppose there's some link there too. I don't know enough about any sport to do anything but watch. Most of my assumptions about teams come from my gut. It usually is never wrong. It is also never explainable. We all need to listen to our gut more. We really think things over way to much. I only do that if I need to explain myself. I hate it too. The best things in life shouldn't be explained. There is a trial in Pa. over how life began. There is some name for the theory that escapes me now. All I can say is there is probably some truth to the theory. It is just being done in a manner that is far too close the church. End soap box-C

I had dinner with K and Snydy the other night. It was very funny. I hope he will wear the shirt I got him. That would be funny too! My niece missed me while I was gone and was sick of me as soon as I got home. She's funny! It's always too hot or too cold in her mind. Oh well! I'm waiting as long as I can to try to get new years off. My Aunt and Uncle are having a special anniversary. I would like to go. Just have to see if I can get it past my boss?? -C

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sure your boy Ken will give you the time off. At least I didn't call him your boyfriend like I usually do...