Monday, March 20, 2006

The incredible travels of Snort

So we are having fun In london. Snydy is Snydy. He shook Rich and Chris's hand last night. He had that same hand dipped in wax so the feel will never wear off. He thought about having it bronzed but decided he might need his hand at work or when he is alone. The shows were very good. They sounded great. Snydy was his usual over the top self. We had to be searched when we went to the tower of london. Snort was in my bag and the security guy found it funny! There so much to see and do here it a lot of fun. Good job snydy....all hail the black crowes(or not).


Anonymous said...

Wow, I hope Snort has his passport and stays out of trouble!

Anonymous said...

what is "snort" in your bag?

Anonymous said...

Snort is a stuffed animal, but when you read the post, it does sound like it could be something else!!!!!

C said...

sorry, had to give the quick version....I only get fifteen minutes-C