Monday, August 07, 2006

Batman Returns

In the Whole people,whole planet, spirit I have come up with an idea for people with bat problems. It took an extensive google search , cross referenced with no less than three other search engines(just don't ask me to name them....i'd have to kill you). We have bird houses, we have bird feeders. Why not a Bat house!!!!! I'll show a picture of a kit for one! Why make your household bats feel unwanted!


Anonymous said...

Huh, that's funny. I just did a quick search on Google & I came up with some resluts on the "bathouse"
man it took you3 search engines to find this? Better sign up for a computer class or something buddy.

Anonymous said...

Resluts, not resluts, though...

Anonymous said...

i like the little bat picture on the bat house!

Anonymous said...

Did he bring another post with him?