Monday, September 24, 2007

An actual post....snaporte update volume 1

So I thought I'd put a post up that doesn't involve picking on Snydys blog. If he follows Kash's trend he's moving to blogger soon because he won't be able to justify type pad. So I had a meal with Snydy last night. He remembered to order Pepsi not coke. He had a well placed reminder though.We traded some discs. The Joe Bonamassa is Really,really good.I haven't listened to the whole thing yet. It is kinda like putting on a cd with The Allmans Wipping post ,followed by stairway to heaven, followed by an 18 minute eyes of the world. When you do that you never really get through the whole cd in one drive.I think I'm close to the end although I haven't skipped forward. I promise I'll give that other disc a listen as soon I finish with J.B. I also purchased "ok computer" by Radio Head. They are a band that is absent from I tunes.They are mentioned in the same breath as the Beatles, when people talk about holes in the I tunes catalog.I gave it a good listen. There are a few songs I really,Really, like. The rest of the cd is ok. Nothing special. Even so I look forward to purchasing more Radio Head cd's. It seems they are a band that when they get it right they are brilliant.I can see why people use them as an example for I tunes. Snydy is working out the details of going to the sands implosion. It is on a Thursday night. Snydy can't figure out why. I thought about it. I HAVE AN ANSWER! So Thursday is the only logical day they could pick! See-Monday;Monday night football,Tuesday;my choice but it's considered an unlucky day by Greeks(not good for explosives),Wednesday;hump day,thursday;open,Friday;Muslim, saturday;Jews ,Sunday;Bible folk. I'm sure that was the reasoning used-C

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