Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy new year sausage fest.

Ok, I borrowed a quote from the Dickman for the title. It's an original though. Happy New Year to all from C town. It was a hard year but it didn't kill me so I guess I'm stronger. Phew...The ball will drop on Times Square tonight(ahh hem!)!!! Ringing in 2008!!! I call this the year of possibilities. It's possible the Flyers and Phillies will win in the playoffs. It's possible this will make most Eagles Fans less rowdy.It's possible that I may get to see Led Zeppelin play in Bonnaroo. If You dream it,It can happen. So lets open ourselves up to 2008, Possibilities! I can't wait for the comments on that line. I'm going to a gathering tonight. It should be fun. I hate driving tonight though. Too many Idiots on the Road. I guess I'll just take it easy and be smart. That's my new Years Eve post. Remember 2008-Possibilities!

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