Friday, January 02, 2009

Things a Loser could do on thier Birthday

1)DLC some wood
2)Tap a can of spray paint with a crow bar.
3)Practice squirting ketchup packets. You still need to learn to aim
4)Spit anyone?
5)camp out for some tix at the spectrum
6)Go get a drink at the farm
7)Jump the explorer, Do you know a good spot?
8)Go get some free batteries at work
9)Race jer
10)Dare me to write a poem(do you have a good paper towel?)
11)You could join a gym
13)spend 14,000 pesos on a blanket....quality
14)How about a few tootsie roll shots
15)Pubix anyone?
16)Hyundai's are great campers, go rent one
17)Ask Bucket man to return, you'll need allot of alcohol.
18)Have a real greasy and cheap breakfast
19)see the Crowes
20)see Chris R.
21)see Rich R.
22)see The Mule
23) see Rich,Chris and the Mule
24) Climb a rock
25) Take snort traveling
26) Climb a rock again but with cigars
27) Call Lupe?
28) Play real mellow music while driving after being awake for 24 hours.(It's a thrill seeking thing ,right?)
All good options, happy birthday Snoozer!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice one loser.
One of your better wordings.
I like the Crowes->CR->RR->Mule part. Pretty creative.